Safe, Secure & Smart Ways to Give by shopping with
Thanks to donors like you, PAWS has received over $2,300 so far through this amazingly, no cost to you, donation platform,!
Create your free iGive account. After that, all you need do is shop through the website, newsletters, or install the optional iGive Button* 
to make sure you never miss an opportunity to raise money when you shop online. It’s all automatic, and it's all free of charge. 
iGive lets you control your membership information with a private password. You can review your store visits and purchase/donation history,
and confirm the total amount raised and distributed to your cause. iGive values your privacy and will never release shopper information without consent. 
And there are no hidden fees or extra costs when you shop through iGive.

> Start iGiving at: 

Choose PAWS (Protection of Animals in Wakefield Society, Inc.) as your charity and shop until you drop because the more you shop, the more you give.