Animal Success Stories

Terrifc Tales from Adopters

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Kida Moore
Kida Moore

July 2009 - Nakita (aka Kida Moore) finds the simple pleasures in life with her new family

Kida, renamed Nakita, by her adoring family has found great happiness in her new home. Although she has been given lovely gifts like a new bed, Nakita still finds time and joy in sitting on a grocery bag. Her family writes, "She came from a house that must have fed her from the table. She has taken up looking at us at dinner and even will paw us if she smells something good! We don’t feed her at the table but it never hurts to ask! She is a lot more outgoing ... She does like to sit close to us but still out of reach to pat her! Kita plays with the ring that comes off milk containers, her plastic grocery bag, elastics I pitch near her, and eyes the fish tank!W e are enjoying her and we know she is enjoying us!